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Roofing Ads to Get Ahead of the Competition - ClientSwing

September 16, 202215 min read

When it comes to roofing, there are many different methods of advertising. Some are more effective than others. Here is a look at the ten most common methods of advertising for roofers, and how effective they are.

Roofing Ad Methods

There's no need to be roof racist, all roofing materials are great in their own way. But when it comes to advertising, some roofing methods are better than others. Here are a few of the favorites:

The Direct Mail Bomb:

This is where you bombard potential customers with roofing advertisements through their mailbox. It's an oldie but a goodie, and it can be quite effective if you have a good list of roofing leads.

The Aerial Assault:

This is where you hire a plane to tow banners or skywrite your company's phone number. It's a great way to get noticed, and it can be particularly effective if you target busy areas like downtown or the beach.

The Telemarketing Blitz:

This is where you make hundreds or even thousands of roofing sales calls in a short period of time. It's a great way to reach a lot of people, and it can be very effective if you have a good script and a good offer.

So there you have it, three roofing advertisement methods that are sure to get you noticed. So get out there and start roofing!

lake house with new roofing

Billboard Ads:

There's something about a roofing advertisement on a billboard that just screams "quality product!" Maybe it's the fact that the roof is so close to the ad that you can't help but think about how strong and sturdy it must be.

Or maybe it's the bold font and bright colors that give the impression that this company really knows what they're doing.

Either way, if you're in the market for a new roof, you might want to give these guys a call. After all, they must be pretty good at what they do if they're able to afford such a prime advertising spot!

The Downsides of Billboards

The negative side of using billboard ads is that they can be quite expensive, and they may not be effective for all businesses. Additionally, they can be difficult to track the results of, which can make it hard to determine whether or not they are worth the investment.

TV Commercials:

TV commercials are a dime a dozen. You see them for everything from roofing companies to shoes and everything in between.

But have you ever stopped to think about what makes a good TV commercial?

What separates the roofing ad that you just skip over from the one that actually makes you want to buy a new roof?

Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating a TV commercial:

Keep it short and sweet.

People have short attention spans, so you want to make sure your commercial is concise and to the point.

Use humor.

A little bit of laughter can go a long way in making your commercial memorable.

Use visuals.

People are more likely to remember a commercial that includes eye-catching visuals.

Be unique.

With so many commercials out there, you want to make sure yours stands out from the rest. Brainstorm some creative ideas that will make your commercial original.

Following these tips, you can create a TV commercial that is both effective and memorable. So next time people are thinking about roofing contractors, they don't skip over the ad - you might be surprised at what you find.

The positive side of using TV commercials for advertising is that they can reach a large audience and be extremely effective when done well.

They are also relatively easy to track the results of, which can make it easier to determine if they are worth the cost.

The Downsides of TV Commercials

However, TV commercials can be very expensive to produce and air, so they may not be the best option for the roofing industry.

Additionally, because TV commercials are so easy to fast forward through or change the channel during, there is a risk that potential customers will simply not see them.

Radio Spots:

In today's world, it seems like there's an ad for just about everything, from roofing to German Shepherds. And while most of us tune out the constant barrage of marketing, there are some ads that are so clever or funny that they manage to break through the noise and stick in our heads.

Radio spots are a great example of this. Because they rely on sound rather than visuals, radio ads can be extremely creative, using humor, music, and even sound effects to capture our attention. Whether you're driving in your car or cooking dinner, a well-crafted radio spot can be a welcome break from the mundane.

So the next time you hear an ad on the radio, take a moment to appreciate the creativity that went into making it. You might just find yourself laughing out loud.

Newspaper Ads:

Looking for roofing advertising ideas? You've come to the right place! Here at ClientSwing, we know a thing or two about roofing ads. And we're here to share our top tips with you.

First and foremost, roofing ads should be eye-catching. After all, you want your ad to stand out from the competition. So make sure it features an attention-grabbing headline and vibrant imagery.

Secondly, roofing ads should be informative. Your potential customers need to know what you do, what you offer, and why they should choose you over the competition. So make sure your ad includes all the essential information.

Finally, roofing ads should be persuasive. Your goal is to convince potential clients to use your roofing services. So make sure your ad includes a strong call-to-action that encourages people to take the next step.

By following these tips, you can create roofing advertising that is both effective and impactful. So get out there and start advertising!

Door Hangers:

Door hangers are an old-fashioned but effective way to advertise your roofing business. They're easy to make and can be hung on any door, making them a great way to reach potential customers. Plus, they're relatively inexpensive, so you can hand them out without breaking the bank.

But what makes door hangers such an effective marketing tool? For one, they're eye-catching. A well-designed hanger will stand out from the rest of the junk mail that people receive, which means it's more likely to be seen and remembered.

And because they're hung on doors, they're also a constant reminder of your roofing business. Every time someone goes to leave their house, they'll see your hanger and think of your company.

So if you're looking for a cheap and easy way to promote your roofing business, door hangers are a great option.

The Downsides of Door Hangers

Door hangers can be ineffective in roofing advertising for a few reasons.

First of all, they're easy to ignore. People are busy and they don't have time to read every piece of mail that they receive, so your hanger may not get the attention it deserves.

Secondly, they can be easily discarded. If a hanger falls off of a door or gets thrown in the trash, there's no way to track it, which means you won't be able to measure its effectiveness.

Finally, door hangers can be a little bit messy. If you're not careful, they can end up getting stuck to doors or floors, which can create a negative impression of your roofing business.

So, while door hangers can be a great advertising tool, they're not without their drawbacks.


Who doesn't love a good roofing advertisement? There's something about those glossy flyers that just screams "quality workmanship."

Online Advertising for a roofing business

If you're in the roofing industry, you know that a strong online presence is essential to attracting new customers. But what's the secret to creating roofing advertising that really stands out?

First, keep it short and sweet. No one wants to read a novel when they're just trying to find out how much your roofing services will cost.

Second, use strong visuals. A picture is worth a thousand words, so make sure your roofing ads are packed with high-quality images.

And finally, don't forget to include a call to action. Tell your potential customers exactly what you want them to do, whether it's call for a free estimate or visit your website.

By following these tips, you can create roofing ads that will help you attract new business and grow your company.

handsome roofer standing on roof construction work

A potential customer

I was recently scrolling through my Facebook feed when I came across roofing ads. Normally, I would just scroll right past this type of ad, but this one caught my attention for two reasons.

First, the image was of a very attractive man standing on a roof with his shirt off.

And second, the text below the image said, "Are you in need of roofing services? We can help you get the job done." Needless to say, I found the ad both amusing and effective.

It's no secret that online advertising is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Advertisers are using data to target ads more effectively than ever before.

And in some cases, they're even able to personalize ads based on our individual interests and preferences.

But as this roofing ad shows, there's still a lot of room for creativity and humor in online advertising. So kudos to the roofing company for coming up with an ad that made me laugh and actually resulted in me clicking through to their website.

Facebook ads for roofers

Have you ever scrolled through your Facebook feed and been bombarded with roofing ads? It seems like every company is trying to get your attention on Facebook. But what makes a roofing ad successful?

There are a few key elements that go into making great roofing Facebook and Instagram ads.

First, you need to have a strong headline that catches people's attention. Your headline should be clear and to the point, and it should let people know what your ad is about.

Second, you need great visuals. People are more likely to engage with an ad that has attractive visuals, so make sure your roofing ad looks good.

Finally, you need to have a strong call to action. Your call to action should tell people what you want them to do, whether it's calling your roofing company or visiting your website.

By following these tips, you can create roofing Facebook ads that will stand out from the rest.

Why roofing Facebook ads work?

We will first explain the importance of advertising on Facebook to a company's roofing business. Facebook ads are highly beneficial to many industries, and they are natural choices for the roofing industry.

Facebook's powerful potential is unquestionably there. Most people are familiar with Mark Zuckerberg, and it makes him increasingly wealthy daily using Facebook.

It remains a major social network worldwide and will remain dominant at this point. Despite the size of the website, a unique feature of it is how low the user can drill down to determine how many people read the newsfeeds each day.

And don't forget: while advertising on Facebook you get access to Instagram ads at the same time.

man using computer for office work

Roofing Google ads

Google ads can be a great way to reach potential customers. However, they can also be a bit of a pain.

Roofing google ads are often triggered by certain keywords, which means that your ad may show up when someone searches for roofing materials or roofing services. This can be annoying for potential customers, who may feel like they're being bombarded with ads.

However, if you use google ads wisely, you can reach a large audience without annoying potential customers.

Just remember to use relevant keywords and target your google ads carefully.

With a little effort, roofing google ads can be a great way to reach new customers.

Instagram Ads for roofers

As a roofer, you know that spending money on marketing is important to getting your business in front of potential customers. And if you're not using Instagram, you're missing out on a huge opportunity.

One of the great things about advertising on Instagram is that there are so many different types of ads to choose from. You can run photo ads, video ads, carousel ads... the list goes on.

And one of the newest types of ads on Instagram is the carousel ad. Carousel ads allow you to show off multiple photos or videos in a single ad, which can be really effective in capturing attention.

So if you're looking for a new way to reach potential customers on Instagram, consider running a carousel ad campaign.

phone application social networking

Search Engine Optimization for the roofing industry

Roofing company owners have been trying to get their roofing website to show up first in search engine results for years. The logic is simple: if potential customers see your roofing website before they see your competitor's, you're more likely to get their business.

But what many roofing companies don't realize is that there's more to search engine optimization than just buying a few ads.

In order to really dominate the roofing industry, you need to think outside the box and come up with a comprehensive SEO strategy that will put your roofing services head and shoulders above the rest.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

Make sure your website is optimized for search engines.

This means using keyword-rich titles and descriptions, as well as making sure your site is easy to navigate and fast to load.

Use social media to your advantage.

Create profiles on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and post regular updates that include relevant keywords.

Invest in pay per click (PPC) advertising.

This technique allows you to place ads on search engine results pages, ensuring that potential customers see your roofing company's ad when they're searching for roofing services in your area.

website development graphics

Referral Programs for roofing companies

Have you ever seen a roofing advertisement that says "refer a friend and get $500 off your next roof!" and thought to yourself, what a great deal?

But then you think, do I really know that many people need a new roof? And even if I do, am I really going to go out of my way to refer them to this roofing company? Probably not. But what if there was a roofing referral program that was so good, that you couldn't help but tell all your friends about it?

Here's how it would work: for every friend you refer who gets a new roof, you get $500 off your next roof.

Plus, your friend gets $500 off their roof. And if that's not enough, the roofing company will also give you a free iPad just for referring someone. Now that's a referral program!

If you're thinking this is too good to be true, roofing companies are counting on it. They know that the vast majority of people won't take the time to refer their friends, even if they are getting a great deal.

But that's okay because the people who do take advantage of referral Programs can save a lot of money.

Vehicle Wraps

Sure, you could spend your money on a roofing advertisement that nobody will ever see. Or, you could spend it on a vehicle wrap that will turn heads everywhere you go!

Vehicle wraps are a great way to get your company's name and information out there, and they're also pretty darn cool to look at. If you're looking for a more eye-catching way to advertise your business, a vehicle wrap is definitely the way to go.

Roofing advertising ideas

Looking for roofing advertising ideas that will help your company stand out from the competition? Here are a few roofing ads that are sure to get noticed:

  • For a business that specializes in residential roofing, consider an ad campaign that features before-and-after photos of houses that have been re-roofed by your company. Make sure to include testimonials from satisfied customers to add credibility to your ads.

  • If your business offers commercial roofing services, consider an advertising campaign that highlights the benefits of your services, such as energy efficiency, cost savings, and environmental friendliness. Case studies featuring businesses that have benefited from your roofing services can be particularly effective. Make sure you focus on the target audience's benefits in your ad copy.

  • To reach homeowners who may be considering a new roof, consider running ads in local home improvement publications or on local radio or TV stations. You could also sponsor community events such as home and garden shows.

new green roofing solution with lot of windows

By thinking outside the box with your roofing advertising, you can make sure your company is top of mind when it comes time for people to need roofing services.


There are a lot of different ways to advertise your roofing service, and the best approach for you will depend on your budget and target audience. But no matter what type of advertising you choose, it's important to make sure that you're putting your best foot forward.

So before you sign any contracts or spend any money, be sure to do your research and choose the method that will work best for you.

Companies are counting on you being so impressed with their marketing materials that you don't bother to look any further. But before you sign on the dotted line, it's important to do your research. Make sure you get multiple quotes and read reviews from previous customers.

If you're looking for a way to get a steady flow of quality roofing leads, then you need to check out ClientSwing Software & Marketing Agency.

Our lead generation software is the best in the business, and our marketing team knows how to get your business in front of the right people. So if you're looking for a way to take your roofing business to the next level, ClientSwing is the answer.

Contact us today to learn more!


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Jennyfer Lim

Jennyfer Lim is a talented blog writer and SEO wizard at ClientSwing. She's written dozens of successful articles for both our clients and us.

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